Games Project in FNaTI: The Oddities Community

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FEUR 2.1.0 Devlog 4/14/2024

blender bts(Mazerunner(green) V2, Lurker(yellow) V2 WIP, Office in MatCap view, and some other stuffs ig.)

only jumpscare i will leak

Hey! (expand)

Meet The First 3 Characters of The Fiddlesticks Night Cast!

The game will only include 75 characters.

Reason being is that Disamol and others like Ricky Mouse mentioned that the game's roster size should be at a reaasonable scale.

Do not fret, as some of your favorite characters might be still here to stay.

We aren't exactly sure if the game will include exactly 250 characters. (read)

(new character time~)

Introducing Pink Oddities !! Yellow's loving wife of 69 years
will be part of the B Roster in the main nights of BO:R

This was supposed to be the newer menu image for the game. It was scrapped because it doesn't meet my standards and I believe I can do way better. Luckily, there might be a option to toggle this. Last 2 were for Joke Mode.

Currently spreading this around (again maybe), my games are sorta in limbo right now, we desperately need coders to speed up the project.

If you can code please tell me in the comments.

Clickteam Fusion 2.5 only.…